Do-It-Yourself Teeth Whitening

You can have white teeth with things that are probably just sitting in your medicine chest or kitchen cupboard. Don’t bother with those gel packs that you have to leave on your teeth. Don’t buy that expensive mouthwash for smokers! You have everything that you need to brighten and whiten your teeth right in your own home. Remember that this is free and it works.

All you need to whiten your teeth are simple household products. Ok, first go to the kitchen. Open the cupboard where you keep your baking supplies. Do you have baking soda? You probably do. Spoon about two teaspoons of baking soda into a little bowl or cup. Now, travel over to the nearest bathroom. Open the medicine chest. Do you have hydrogen peroxide? You probably have this common household item, too.

Drop two or three teaspoons (this may not be exact) of the hydrogen peroxide into the baking soda, making a paste. This sometimes takes a little trial and error. Be sure it is the same consistency as toothpaste. If you wish, you can add a bit of mint flavoring or even a small dollop of toothpaste.

Brush your teeth with your mixture, being sure to leave it on your teeth for at least two minutes. Do NOT swallow this paste! Trust me, you wouldn’t want to swallow it— the taste is not the best. To make the paste taste better, try to use the above tips. This will help to make the taste a little bit tastier.

After you finish brushing with this paste, brush again with regular toothpaste to rid your mouth of the taste as well as the peroxide solution. You will be amazed at just how white and bright your teeth will be! Many smokers and heavy coffee drinkers use this little trick. This may be a home remedy that your grandmother even used.

Note: Beware that if you have open sores, cavities, gingivitis, or other gum diseases this may make your gums appear white only for a short time. This may not be the whitener for your teeth if they are very sensitive. As with anything, you should consult your doctor or dentist before trying this or any other medical treatment.

How often can I use this paste? This treatment can be done weekly, monthly, or whenever you want extra bright teeth! You shouldn’t brush with this mixture more than once per week.

If home remedies are not your thing, then visit your dentist for a professional teeth whitening. Ask for the latest in teeth whitening, the Zoom 3 Advanced Teeth Whitening System, and beware of cheap clinics claiming they have the system and yet merely uses cheap solutions for your teeth, you wouldn’t want to be short-changed for this.

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