Fire-xel CO2 Fractional Laser with Skin Analyzer

“The Number 1 Anti-Aging Breakthrough!” WebMD.

The Fire-xel CO2 Fractional Laser with Fully-Automated “Artificial Intelligence” Skin Analyzer is simply the best machine ever invented to rejuvenate your skin!

Turn back time 3 to 10 years on your face, neck, chest, hands & arms. The Fractional CO2 Laser outperforms every non-CO2 laser invented in the last 20 years. One procedure outperforms 5 or more treatments from other lasers.

It smoothens, tightens, rejuvenates and lifts aging skin 40% to 50% in just 7 days. When combined with the customized collagen boosting programs, up to 65% tightening, smoothing and lifting can be achieved.

Dramatically reduces old acne and trauma related scarring. Significantly minimizes risk of future development of skin cancers. Considerably reduces sun damage pigmented spots such as Freckles, The Mask of Pregnancy, Melasma, Liver Spots, and Precancerous Sun damage spots from the Face, Neck, Chest, Backs of the Hands and Arms.

The most powerful topical anesthetic combined with oral medicine allows minimal discomfort during and after treatment with no general anesthetic required. Patients are able to conduct business in 24 hours and return to the public eye in 4-6 days due to Fully-Automated Fractional CO2 Laser Technology.

Our doctors are among the nationally recognized experts in Fractional CO2 Laser Resurfacing, having had extensive clinical experience in treating virtually all skin types and various indications such as acne scarring, rejuvenation, and prevention or reduction of skin cancer.

We utilize a team approach in customizing detailed pre-op and post-op care regimen to optimize the efficacy and tolerability of Fractional CO2 Laser Resurfacing. You owe it to yourself to schedule a consultation before considering any other laser or plastic surgery procedure!


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