Byebye Cellulite!

Coffee Grounds as a Cellulite Remedy

How is that possible?

Caffeine is an ingredient that is often found in medicines for cellulite and topical treatments. The same ingredient that can give you an energy boost and could also increase blood flow, remove fluid unwanted skin cells and decrease fat.

In the past, it was thought that caffeine is so effective that some companies developed tights containing caffeine. The developers believed that when women used the average caffeine on their legs, caffeine could be absorbed by the skin and the blood stream.

Caffeine and antioxidants in coffee are moderately effective to alleviate the appearance of cellulite in the short term. As a stimulant, the caffeine from the coffee distends the blood vessels, which temporarily tones and tightens tissues. In addition, it increases circulation and reduces water retention, which can also help remove the wrinkled appearance of cellulite. The antioxidants in coffee may help release toxins, which is not only useful to remove cellulite, but for a healthy skin in general.

Here is a 4 easy steps to prepare your coffee ground scrub:

1.Mix 1/4 cup coffee grounds 3 tablespoons of hot water and set the mixture for 10 minutes to absorb the water and make a paste.

2.Then, mix 2 tablespoons of olive oil to help bind the mixture. (This will make it easier to extend, and offer additional moisturizing effects.)

3.Apply the scrub by massaging with circular movements for 2 to 4 minutes with hands or a clean towel.

4. Rinse with warm water to remove, then dry and moisturize if desired.


After sipping your nice cup of coffee why not use the coffee grounds for your skin rather than just throwing it right?

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