Popular Myths and Facts about your Hair

Here is a list of Myths and Facts about your Hair and how you take care of them

Myths. The not-so-true-story. 

Myth # 1  : Cutting your hair will make it grow faster.

A cut at the ends of your hair does not affect the follicles on the scalp, which determine what fast and how hair grows. Hair grows an average of a quarter inch each month.Regular adjustments can be made to make the hair look a little longer, however. To get rid of split ends reduces hair breakage, and the breakage is what makes hair look thinner at the ends (and shorter). Every eight to 12 weeks, ask your stylist to take off the minimum necessary to remove split ends.

Myth # 2 : Washing your hair everyday dries it out.

The shampoo suitable for your type of hair and texture actually increases moisture, gives it a body and the beautifies your hair. The answer is to find the right shampoo designed for your hair.

In addition, it is possible to clean the hair with water alone, diluted Shampoo or the air conditioner only only. Decide if you must wash your hair every day or not to consult your professional hair and take into account of your hair type.

Myth # 3 : For a healthier hair, brushing it 100 times a day will be a big help.

Brushing causes friction in the hair, which leads to damage cuticle and rupture, which makes the hair dull and frizzy. Brush your hair minimally (only to untangle or style), and use the right tools – a wide toothed comb or a paddle brush with ball tip, plastic bristle. Avoid the boar bristle brushes.Natural bristles are not all the same, so they are especially hard on the hair and scalp.

Facts. The Definitely-Possible-Story.

Fact # 1  : Wearing tights hairstyle (Braids, Ponytails, Hair Buns) can contribute to hairloss.

Traction Alopecia is a condition of hair loss that may result from using a ponytail, tight braids or buns for a prolonged period of time. Eventually, breakage and loss of hair as a result of narrow and stressed hairstlyes may become permanent. To avoid this potential problem, opting for more flexible styles that uses minimum the scalp tension.

Fact # 2 : Smoking contributes on having gray hair.

Smokers are four times more likely to produce gray hair than nonsmokers. Worse, smoking has been linked conclusively to accelerated hair loss, according to JG Mosley of the nursing Leigh in Lancashire, England, in an article published in Science News (January 11, 1997)

Fact # 3 : Sharing Combs and Brushes can spread scalp diseases.

It is a fact that parasites can be transported from the roots up to the scalp through the sharing of combs, brushes, and other tools for the hair.


“The next time you heard somebody tells you about how you must take care of you hair, you might want to check and research it out first. ”  🙂


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