Stop the Pain Caused by Your Wisdom Tooth

Having a terrible toothache cause by your wisdom tooth? Here are some remedies to sooth your aching tooth 🙂

5 ways to stop the throbbing pain of your Wisdom Tooth.

First and foremost….

1. Set an appointment with your dentist if you feel severe or constant pain. If the pain doesn’t go away within a few days, it may be a sign of a serious problem that the dentist has to take into account. If the pain does not respond to these simple treatments, set another appointment as soon as possible.

2. You can chew gum on the side in which you are experiencing pain. Chewing  a gum will gently massage the painful area and may give you some temporary relief.

3. Try using a topical anesthetic agent. Oral anesthetic medications can be purchased without a prescription at drugstores, discount stores and supermarkets. Simply apply a small amount to the affected area to numb the affected area for a maximum of 30 minutes.

4. Try a warm saltwater mouthwash. Warm salt water will help relieve the pain of the wisdom tooth without the use of drugs. Just Swish the solution in your mouth for 30 seconds and spit.

5. Opt for the over-the-counter medications for pain. Acetaminophen helps to relieve pain. Follow the dosage and instructions on the container of the Painkiller and pay close attention to the warnings on the label of the bottle. If you have other medical conditions or if you are currently taking other medications, consult your doctor before taking any OTC medicine.


Consult your Dentist when still experiencing tooth ache.

They know the best way to bring back your brilliant smile. 🙂

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